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Below is a list of common questions prospective club members often want clarification on. If your question is not on the list, feel free to contact us!

Do I need to own a horse to join the club or teams?

Owning a horse is not required for any club activities. Our lesson program runs out of multiple barns in London that supply school horses for riding lessons. All of our teams compete with associations that practice catch-riding, which means the horses are donated for the day, and randomly assigned to riders the morning of the show.

Can I ride in lessons without competing?

Absolutely! Our lesson program runs separately from the teams so you can choose to participate in both or just one. The lesson sign-up form will be available on the lessons page in the fall. 

Do you offer scholarships for riding?

The Western Equestrian Club is a recreational sport club and as such we do not offer scholarships and our teams and riders do not receive any sponsorships.

What do you mean by catch-riding?

Our competitive teams compete with associations that practice catch-riding, which can be a very valuable experience for riders. Riders are randomly assigned to horses, which they get to watch complete the course with a warm-up rider before the rider gets on and rides into the ring without practing on the horse themselves.

How much experience do I need to join the club?

Short answer: None! Our club welcomes riders of all levels from complete beginners to seasoned show veterans. When filling out a lesson form, you will be asked to describe your riding experience and will be placed in a lesson with riders of a similar level. You can also join a team, even if you haven't competed before. More information on the divisions each team competes in and the requirements for each division can be found by navigating to individual team sites through the teams page.

Can I join the club if I am a student at a Western affiliate?

Huron, Brescia, and Kings students are welcome to join the club and teams!

How do I join the Western Equestrian Club?

Club registration for the 2021-22 school year opens Sunday September 19, and will be available online through The clubs official start date this year is October 3, 2021.

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